
Tool to Watch out for: Vizly | The Google Ads Aficionados

In this episode of Curry, Cheese, and Vegemite, our Google Ads Aficionados talk about the incredible tool developed by a former NASA engineer that can help you streamline campaign insights. The tool can process large data sets and generate insights without requiring complex technical skills. They also talk about how AI is changing data analysis for marketers, the future of marketing with AI, and the Black Friday sales madness worldwide. Watch this video now.

Connect with The Google Ads Aficionados on LinkedIn:

Usama Khan:  

 / usama-khan-mk  

Colby Doyle:  

 / colbycdoyle  

Glen Wilson:  

 / glenmwilson  

0:00 Intro

1:02 Tool to Watch out for: Vizly | The Google Ads Aficionados

4:29 The future of AI in the world of digital marketing

8:11 Shopify Black Friday realtime sales

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Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.

🖥️ Keep in mind that the digital marketing industry—and the Google Ads platform especially—is continually evolving and adding (or removing) tools and capabilities. Though we do our best to keep our content relevant, some older content may no longer apply to your current campaigns.


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About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Google Ads Podcast
The Google Ads Podcast
PPC Strategies, Tutorials, Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Best Practices